Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Through the looking glass

"it seemed like I had just read it"

 Following receipt of the billing, the Respondent carrier arranged through Transcion Medical Service, a peer review with Dorothy Scarpinato, M.D. whose report of April 4, 2012 is contained in the ECF. Dr. Scarpinato’s peer review contains on page 2 a brief discussion session which is identical (word for word) with a peer review arranged with the same service Transcion Medical and Pierce Ferriter, M.D. which peer review is contained in AAA Case #412013029199. Consequently, I cannot give any credit or credibility to the peer review as it is not only non-persuasive but it is canned, deceitful and potentially fraudulent that this Transcion Medical Service would slap together a discussion and conclusion on a variety of peer review reports discussing durable medical equipment with various providers that are in their stable of providers and consequently this peer report has no credibility with me whatsoever. It is more than a mild coincidence and only the luck of the draw of the cases that they happen to be back to back on my hearing schedule so that having reviewed the earlier one, when I reviewed Dr. Scarpinato’s opinion here it seemed like I had just read it and in fact I just had read it.
Now you may be thinking "What has the Department of Financial Services (Superintendent Benjamin M. Lawsky) done about this obvious and reoccurring practice by IME/Peer doctors and the vendors that pay them Not a damn thing.  Ok, maybe you are thinking "well, if Mr. Lawsky is willing to let this practice slide, surely the Attorney General (Eric Schneiderman) has done something."  Nope, not a damn thing.  Now you might think "well, the OPMC is always there, just in case everyone else is willing to let this slide."  

You are sadly mistaken.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Identical reports, again.

This time we have Paul J. MIller, MD an orthopedic surgeon and Tatyana Gimmelberg a chiropractor submitting virtually word for word identical reports.  Normally one would call this an oddity but you will notice that both reports are addressed to Support Claim Services, so it is pretty much par for the courts [see what i did there].

Now you might be saying, "how bad could it be?" We'll tell you.

Tatyana Gimmelberg, the chiropractor listed her "prior orthopedic evaluation report."

Tuvia got crossed

details HERE.

Like the Katz story: Did This Medical Witness Defraud Thousands of Worker's Compensation Claims?, the Villiage Voice picked this one up in its article: Do Four Different Signatures Make This Radiologist a Perjurer?

The Katz story was also picked up in the blogosphere, Where Criminal Meets Civil Law.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

About that electronic signature that was notarized years after it was put on the document.

It gets better.

Before we get there, this is to catch up those who are too lazy to look down two posts.
Well, at trial Dr. Amidror said he did not know who the notary was and he said that he did not go before a notary on November 25th 2011.

Look all the way at the bottom.  Notice that Support Claim Services is mentioned.  You've seen that name before.  It's in most of those arbitration decisions we posted.